Our Favorite Books to Give and Get This Holiday

The holidays are fast approaching, and parents and teachers alike are already preparing kids for winter break. It’s important to make sure young readers keep practicing their skills, even when they’re not in school. One of the best ways parents can get children excited about reading is with new books!

Simple and Fun Family Literacy Activities for Thanksgiving

Kids with cookbookThanksgiving is just a few days away, and many families are busy preparing for the holiday with grocery shopping, cooking, and decorating. With your children home from school and underfoot, why not look for meaningful ways to keep them entertained while also practicing their literacy skills?

How to talk to Your Children about Their Writing

Elementary Student WritingIt is an incredible time in a child’s life when they learn to express themselves through the written word. This is also the point at which many families find themselves plastering every available surface at home with their child’s writing pieces that range from labeled pictures to short stories about a great time they had at the park.

Easy Ways You Can Stay Informed About Your Child’s Learning

Stay Informed about your child's schoolingParent-teacher conferences are wonderful opportunities for families and teachers to come together to create action plans for helping children succeed both in and out of the classroom. But what do you do when this first meeting doesn’t occur until the late fall? Waiting until that first report card, and later parent-teacher meeting, can often be an uncertain time.

How to Help Your Child Transition From Kindergarten to First Grade

Happy 1st GraderThe transition from Kindergarten to First Grade is a big one, and may seem intimidating to parents and kids. The best thing you can do to help your new first-grader prepare for the school year is have conversations at home about what they can expect. Start out by explaining how first grade is different from Kindergarten.

How to Pick a “Just Right” Book in 3 Easy Steps

One of the first questions many parents have when it comes to reading with their family is, “Which books are appropriate for my child?” While determining your child’s reading level might seem daunting, the truth is that nobody knows your child better than you. Observing when your child is frustrated, bored, or interested is all you really need. Simply by trying out a few books and seeing how your child reacts to them, you can find “Just Right” books that will help your child become a better reader.

5 Tips for Preventing Summer Slide

What is Summer Slide?
You may have heard the term “summer slide” from teachers or other parents, but what does it mean? Summer Slide is what happens when the skills students learn during the school year are lost or forgotten over the summer. When kids don’t practice their reading skills during the summer months, they can fall behind by the time school starts again. Summer may be winding down, but it’s not too late to polish up those reading skills in time for September!