CLI's New Website

Welcome to the New

This is an exciting time at CLI, today we are launching our new website!

The new site is closely aligned with CLI’s strategic vision for growth and expansion over the next few years and shows off our brand new logo. The new gives visitors an easy way to learn about our services, methods and impact and offers us a great way to connect teachers and families with the wealth of knowledge and experience we have, and ultimately, improve children’s literacy.

The About and Services areas are easily navigated and contain exactly the type of information a visitor would expect. You can easily find contact information for our staff, discover our history, and learn about the research our practices are founded on. In the Resources section you will find ample tools for educators and families to aide in a child’s development as a reader. You can also find our blog in this section. The blog will feature articles aimed at educators, parents, and education policy makers. The Resources are is a place you should be sure to bookmark and continually return to for new articles, tips, videos and downloads.

The new allows users to easily share articles and pages that interest them with others across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Finally, we simplified the donation process. We made it easy to donate, and any find any of the forms or information you may need for your records to help us continue our mission and help kids learn to read.

We hope that you find our site to be a valuable resource and remember to visit often as we will continually create new tools and articles. Thanks for visiting.

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