
We coach teachers in-person, virtually and through blended learning, and provide workshops & seminars on research-based early literacy best practices to improve instruction so children become powerful, readers, writers and thinkers.

CLI provides educators with high-quality training, coaching, and resources to enable them to become exemplary instructors who make an impact in helping children achieve reading proficiency at or above grade level.

Coaching & Professional Development

CLI helps teachers, school-based coaches, teacher leaders, principals, and district leaders implement strategies & systems for continuous improvement of early literacy instruction.
  • One-on-One Individualized Coaching
  • Grade Level Coaching
  • Small Group Coaching Sessions
  • Leadership Coaching
Learn more about CLI Coaching
CLI Annual Report 2022 - Our Vision
CLI Annual Report 2022 - Thank You to our SupportersCLI Annual Report 2022 - Thank You to our Supporters

Workshops & Seminars

Learning the best practices for teaching early literacy. Our workshops and institutes build teachers’ knowledge of literacy content and pedagogy. We focus on:
  • Creating & Managing the Literacy Environment
  • Foundational Skills for Early Literacy
  • Using Data to Drive Early Literacy Instruction
  • ELL & Early Literacy Instruction
  • Intentional Read-Alouds
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Interested in scheduling a workshop?

Leadership Development & Sustainability Services

We build school and district leadership capacity to ensure that our work is sustainable year after year.
We work with school leaders to ensure they understand best practices as they walk through a teacher’s classroom. This allows them to plan action steps for providing their teachers with meaningful feedback and professional learning that will lead to enhanced teaching practices and increased student achievement.
We work with district leaders to develop comprehensive plans that adapt and scale CLI’s validated approach to meet the specific needs of their district.
Learn more
CLI Annual Report 2022 - Regional Impact

CLI's impactful change spans classrooms, schools, districts, states, and the federal level, empowering educators nationwide and enhancing academic excellence.

Learn more about CLI’s projects.

Connect with Us to Transform Education

We are eager to connect with you. Whether you’re interested in bringing CLI services to your school or district, partnering to provide resources for teachers, students, and families, or learning more about our impact, we are here to assist.