Archive for literacy

4 Exceptional Non-Fiction Books

Offering students a balance of fiction and nonfiction reading experiences has always been important.  Since the publication of the Common Core State Standards, which emphasize the use of both kinds of text, informational picture books have gotten more and more attention.  And the attention is well deserved.  Though…

Children’s Literacy Initiative & American Airlines Partner to Get More Children Reading

PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 16, 2016 —  Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Philadelphia, and American Airlines, the world’s largest airline, are partnering to help more of the nation’s children read proficiently by third grade. Employees and executives on American’s Citizenship Steering Committee at the airlines’…

Camden Teacher Discusses Transformation Through CLI

Gina Post, a bilingual 2nd-grade teacher at Sumner Elementary School in Camden, N.J. talks to the Office of Innovation and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education to discusses her work with the Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI). CLI is a Philadelphia-based organization that supports teachers focused on early literacy. In…