Read Aloud Strategies: Making It Intentional

Intentional Read Aloud“I am sure you have never done this, but I used to grab my read aloud selections on my way past the bookshelf as I walked to the read aloud area. I was convinced that any read aloud was good and I still think it is. However, why would we settle for just good when we can have great?” – Linda Hoyt

Teacher Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences

Working Together With ParentsWhile parent teacher conferences can be a nerve-wracking affair for everyone involved, they are also an opportune time for teachers to increase their communication with the families of their students. With about 30 students to a classroom, it is hard to prepare fully for every single conference, especially when there is only about 30 minutes to meet with each family.

Small Revelations in a Chicago Classroom

A CLI Coach’s most powerful role is to raise teachers’ expectations for their students and themselves. Recently, a Chicago CLI Coach finished demonstrating a small group lesson with a second grade class and was astounded to see that the class’s teacher, Ms.

Three Ways You Can Improve Your Communication with Families

Communicating with FamiliesA new school year not only brings a new classroom of young learners into our lives, but it also introduces us to their families. These families are the most powerful allies we can have when it comes to the academic success of our students.

Books That Help Create a Class Community Through Read Alouds

Making students feel at home in the classroom is a top priority for teachers during the fall. Teachers create cozy reading spaces, begin to develop rituals and routines, and help students understand the value of their contributions and hard work. Conversations about families can help foster connections among students and highlight diversity.