Gina Post, a bilingual 2nd-grade teacher at Sumner Elementary School in Camden, N.J. talks to the Office of Innovation and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education to discusses her work with the Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI). CLI is a Philadelphia-based organization that supports teachers focused on early literacy. In…
This is an exciting time at CLI, today we are launching our new website! The new site is closely aligned with CLI’s strategic vision for growth and expansion over the next few years and shows off our brand new logo. The new gives visitors an easy way…
With the holidays behind us we are officially into the second half of the school year and, if you’re like me, this means taking stock of what’s been accomplished so far this year and where we still have to go. So where are we organizationally? Well, here are the numbers:
It’s difficult, if not impossible, for learning to take place when conflicting goals are set, unrealistic expectations prevail, and support is lacking. School districts often focus on alleviating these problems in the classroom — for students, that is.
CLI continuously works to ensure our professional developers (PDs) receive the necessary support to coach and conduct trainings in the field. To track program fidelity, PDs complete field reports three times a year – in November, February, and June. These reports are used to help improve our services while allowing PDs to reflect on the successes and challenges they encounter in the classroom.
Ever walk away from a training feeling totally excited about what you’ve learned only to get back to the real world and say to yourself “Now what”? I’ve been there – I’ve attended PD sessions where the presenter has been really engaging, covered a lot of in depth material and even made links to how this could benefit me in my role but one crucial component was missing – the “how”.
This is article has been written by guest author Terry Salinger of American Institutes for Research. Terry is an AIR Institute Fellow and chief scientist for literacy research.
A CLI Coach’s most powerful role is to raise teachers’ expectations for their students and themselves. Recently, a Chicago CLI Coach finished demonstrating a small group lesson with a second grade class and was astounded to see that the class’s teacher, Ms.
We’re just going to come right out and say it, Principals like Children’s Literacy Initiative’s impact on teachers, school culture and their own professional development.
In June 2014, CLI surveyed principals who had received CLI coaching services during the 2013-2014 school year. They were asked to reflect on the impact their work with CLI had on the teachers within their building, the overall culture of the school, and their own professional growth.
When Luiz walked into the classroom that morning he didn’t know it was going to be the day he would read his first book. Laura, the CLI Professional Developer and Rose, the kindergarten teacher, had been working on getting the students to build their reading stamina using sight words, familiar poetry and leveled texts.