Thank You, Ms. Tori Golden!
Despite the challenges faced this year, Ms. Golden continues to put the social and emotional needs of her students first, along with identifying their individual academic areas of support. Her consistent routines and positive reinforcement with her students helped build rapport and create a sense of normalcy.
Priscila Antuna, an Early Literacy Coach in our Philadelphia region took some time to shine a spotlight on Ms. Golden. We asked Priscila a few questions about her teacher honoree. See what she shared about Ms. Golden below:
Q: What did your teacher identify as her children’s needs during this pandemic?
A: Tori identified multiple areas of need during the pandemic including differentiating curriculum, mental health of our students, student engagement and empowering our students through the lens of DEI . She always put the social and emotional needs of her students first along with identifying individual academic areas of support.
Tori excels at collecting student-based data and creating lessons tiered to student need and interest. She leads conversations in science and discovery learning; always pushing the envelope of what can be done virtually.
Q: How has your teacher shown resilience during this school year?
A: Tori has shown resilience in so many ways this year. This year, Tori suffered a great loss in her family. This did not stop her from stepping foot back into the classroom and jumping right back into teaching. Coaching her during this time, I was able to speak with her on a personal level and it was clear that her focus was getting back into the routines with her students.
Q: How has your teacher cultivated community within his/her classroom?
A: Tori sees her students not only as a whole group but as individuals. When joining her learning community, I am almost immediately welcomed with the sound of Tori building rapport with her students. As difficult as virtual learning can be, Tori managed to not only create an environment where her students want to log on everyday but also continues to provide them opportunities where they can express themselves and socialize with their peers. This, to me, makes Tori stand out as a passionate, caring, and strong educator.
Q: How is the teacher creating some sense of normalcy within his/her classroom?
A: Tori has structured her virtual learning class and follows the schedule Pan Am provides. She is organized and consistent with her routines in order for the students to have that sense of normalcy in- person teaching provided us. She continues to use positive reinforcement, reinforces community rules and expectations, games, and activities of engagement.
Q: How has your relationship with your teacher grown?
A: My relationship with Tori has certainly grown. In coaching sessions, brainstorming and academic conversations flow naturally. We have both grown as educators by working together and that is something I will always treasure. I had the pleasure of watching Tori grow as a teacher and a leader this year. She is absolutely a hero to me, her family, school, and most of all her students.
Share Your Appreciation!
Post a video of you thanking a very special teacher. In 60-90 seconds, tell us who you teacher is and most importantly, tell us why you believe they are a hero!
Each video shared, tagging us, @CLIupdates, and using the #CLIHeroes hashtag, will be featured on our social channels and will be included in our special video compilation at the end of the month!
Make sure your teacher hero is a part of this special moment, and share your video!
Post to your Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter account. Make sure you include the #CLIHeroes hashtag.
Each video posted, tagging us and using the #CLIHeroes hashtag, will be featured on our social channels and will be included in our special video compilation at the end of the month!
Celebrating Teachers on the Frontline
Raise a Glass for Reading!
After a season of showcasing the unique stories of the teachers we serve and emphasizing the importance and impact of continued support for our teachers, schools, and larger communities, we come together to celebrate literacy!
Showcase your commitment to children’s literacy, early childhood education and social justice, and join us June 10 for a wonderful event.
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