Legacy for Literacy
Creating a Lasting Impact
Driving Change through Family Philanthropy
Here is Jenna B’s story, first published in The Read in May 2021, of her family’s multi-generational collaboration and philanthropy that enable her and her cousins to impact an issue they care deeply about.
Letter from Jenna B
Three years ago, we were given a unique gift of which the benefits were much bigger than I ever could have imagined. The generation before us—our aunts, uncles, and parents—collectively pooled together the money they would normally spend on birthdays and holiday gifts and decided to give us a lump sum of money to donate to the charity of our choice. I was blown away by this opportunity to collaborate with my cousins and align on something we could support together. It allowed me/us to get personally involved in philanthropy, the first time I/we had done so with money instead of volunteer time.
Using your Donor-Advised Fund to Maximize Impact
- You can use your DAF to make a one-time or a recurring gift.
- You will receive an acknowledgment for your gift, but not a charitable receipt for tax purposes. This is because it is your contribution to your donor-advised fund that is tax-deductible, not your recommended grant to CLI.
- If you are making your DAF grant recommendation through Fidelity Charitable®, Schwab Charitable®, or the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund®, feel free to use the DAF Direct widget on our website at You can also find instructions for all other national and community foundation donor-advised funds there
- Please request your name and address be included with your DAF grant so we may thank you for your generosity.
Learn more about how you can use Donor-Advised Funds to support early literacy
Raise a Glass For Reading
CLI is Sharpening Its Focus
Sample Language
I give, devise and bequeath to Children’s Literacy Initiative (tax identification number 23-2515768), (insert a sum, percentage, specific property, or residue/remainder) of my estate.
Contact Us
For more information about CLI’s Legacy Society and how you can shape your legacy with Children’s Literacy Initiative, please contact Simone Champagnie at