How to Increase Teacher
Workforce Capacity

Traditionally, school districts help educators align their instruction with best evidence-based practice predominantly through workshop-style training sessions during the school year (Darling-Hammond et al., 2009). While prevalent, the large-format workshop model has a less impressive track-record for creating lasting change in a teacher’s practice and student achievement. Studies show that “short, one-shot workshops do not change teacher practice and have no effect on student achievement” (Yoon et al, 2007; Bush, 1984). This challenges leaves school leadership searching for answers.

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Increasing Proficiency

Research has shown that 3rd grade students scoring in the lowest tier of reading proficiency are the most at risk for leaving high school without a diploma. In Philadelphia Schools CLI has served for more than 3 years, the student impact is apparent.

We are transforming early education in Philadelphia.

See How >>
School District of Philadelphia's Principal Survey Report


Content-Focused Coaching 
with Validated Partners

Achieving literacy requires detailed instruction. The solution is not only knowledge building through workshops and seminars, but following these large group sessions with one-on-one coaching. More specifically, content-focused coaching. 

One of the most impactful ways to affect literacy is by supporting the teachers who are delivering instruction. At the Children's Literacy Initiative (CLI), our mission is to support high quality literacy instruction in public schools. Our research focuses on delineating the best practices in literacy instruction and supporting teachers during the process of delivery and assessment. We know that access to quality literacy instruction is transformative.

Our work with teachers is integrated into the fabric of the school community. Workshops are not one day takeaways, but rather ongoing conversations between classroom teachers and their CLI appointed Early Literacy Specialist (ELS).

The ELS's are hired for their teaching expertise, commitment to literacy, and their deep understanding of the best practices in literacy instruction. Their relationship with the classroom teacher exists within the actual classroom, allowing for feedback in real time during instruction. Providing time for teachers to meet with their ELS's and to think deeply about their craft, is in and of itself validating of the difficult work that they do.

Learn more about the ELS Initiative >>
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Validated Coaching Practice

We help teachers, school-based coaches, principals, and district leaders implement strategies & systems for the continuous improvement of early literacy instruction.

Our proven theory of action is changing districts across the country. 

See what our partners are saying >>
Validate Coaching Practice


Transforming the Early
Education Landscape

You can overcome your district challenges, ensure your teachers are well-equipped with the best strategies and tools, and increase student success and teacher job satisfaction across your district. Start transforming your district today and fill out the contact form below.
