William Penn Foundation Donates 1M to CLI

Dear Friends of CLI,

I am pleased to announce that the William Penn Foundation has awarded Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI) a $1 million grant to dramatically expand our proven model in Philadelphia public, charter and parochial schools. 

Check out the coverage:

• William Penn Foundation 

• William Penn Foundation Strategic Vision 

• Philly.com 

 Philadelphia Business Journal 

Beginning in January 2013, we will use the William Penn Foundation’s significant gift to kick off a 10-year campaign to build the literacy skills of young children in the Greater Philadelphia region by promoting quality teaching.

The foundation’s $1 million grant is a challenge, requiring CLI to raise an additional $2 million over the coming months. The grant will develop six CLI Model Schools, where kindergarten through third grade teachers and school leaders receive three years of early literacy coaching, training and resources and build a professional learning community that will ensure continued student achievement into the future.

One of the best gifts we all can give is the gift of literacy.

Kelly Hunter, Ed.D.

The William Penn Foundation, founded in 1945 by Otto and Phoebe Haas, works to close the achievement gap for low-income children, ensure a sustainable environment, foster creativity that enhances civic life, and advance philanthropy in the Philadelphia region. With assets of nearly $2 billion, the Foundation distributes approximately $80 million in grants annually. Learn more about the Foundation at  www.williampennfoundation.org 
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