The Best Gift is the Gift of Literacy

Here at CLI, we know the best gift to give a young learner is the gift of literacy. We also know that your continued support helps to make this powerful impact: 

“Jaeydn loves to draw and is a terrific artist. However, he hated to write. In fact, he refused to – never seemed to get any words on paper. Then one day during Writer’s Workshop, I noticed he had done several different drawings on dinosaurs. Jaeydn loves dinosaurs! So we found a few informational texts and stories on dinosaurs and he actually began to write details on each one he had already drawn! Now he is very excited to make his book and share it out with our class.”

“Jahlil was very disinterested in school in September. He lacked enthusiasm toward reading and was somewhat of a behavior problem. Now, he is making daily connections with his independent reading books. He likes to share what he records in his reader’s notebook daily with the teacher and students. He has completely changed his attitude about reading. He loves and enjoys the workshop model. The structure of the lessons, the independence and the ability to find a cozy place to read has made all the difference.”

Happy New Year from all of us here at CLI!

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