It is an incredible time in a child’s life when they learn to express themselves through the written word. This is also the point at which many families find themselves plastering every available surface at home with their child’s writing pieces that range from labeled pictures to short stories about a great time they had at the park. As adults we know how to admire our children’s work, but we might not always know what to say in order to get children thinking about their writing and trying to practice their writing skills at home.
The first step to helping children reflect on their writing and practice their skills is knowing what to notice when your child brings their writing home. In order to encourage your child to keep working on his writing skills, make sure you praise his effort while still providing valuable feedback and suggestions. Here are a few key features to notice, and some suggestions for what to say:
The most important thing you can do to encourage your child to write more is to praise their efforts! There is a lot of work behind every single piece that your child shares with you and having you show enthusiasm for their work and congratulate them will only encourage your child to become the great writer you know they can be.
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