Partners in Literacy: Madeleine Glowienka

Since 1992, Madeleine Glowienka has worked as a teacher. Currently, she is a 1st grade teacher at Anna L. Lingelbach School in Philadelphia. CLI asked Madeleine about her experiences and expectations partnering with CLI.  Partners in Literacy Glenda Smiley Andrew Eckhorn Rebecca Eisenman What were your initial expectations about CLI? I had few—basically I was unsure how it could/would really …

Parent, Teacher Relationship

Develop a Great Relationship with Teachers by Asking These Questions

As a new school year begins, it’s necessary to develop a strong partnership with your child’s teacher. Start by asking your child’s new teacher about schedules, routines, and policies; learning and culture in the classroom; and communication and support. The following questions will help lay the groundwork for the year ahead: What daily and weekly schedule will my child be …

CLI Works With Teachers

Children’s Literacy Initiative & W.K. Kellogg Foundation Partner in a Significant Way

Philadelphia, Pa. — Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI), a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Philadelphia, has been awarded a $250,000 grant by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation of Battle Creek, Mich. Between June 1, 2016 to November 30, 2017, the grant will help to improve teacher instructional practice by providing an evidence-based early literacy professional development program to teachers and their high-need …

PEW Provides 3 Year Grant

Children’s Literacy Initiative Receives Three-Year Grant from Pew

Philadelphia, May 4 — Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI), a Philadelphia-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization working with educators locally and nationally to get more children reading proficiently by 3rd grade, announces that it has been awarded a grant by The Pew Charitable Trusts to increase the number of Philadelphia-area pre-kindergarten classrooms offering quality early literacy instruction. The grant, totaling $186,000 over three years, …

Tips for Reading with your Child

3 Great Tips for Story-time with Your Toddler

Toddlers love to hear their parents read out loud. Story time combines some of your child’s favorite things: snuggling, interesting illustrations, and your voice. At this age, story time can be more interactive. Your toddler can repeat favorite phrases, request multiple readings of a favorite book, and point to colors, animals, and objects as you read their names aloud. To …

Children’s Literacy Initiative & Wells Fargo Collaborate to Impact Children in Philadelphia

Philadelphia, March 24, 2016—Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Philadelphia, and Wells Fargo, a diversified, community-based financial services company, have partnered to help transform literacy instruction to ensure children in Philadelphia read proficiently by third grade. Wells Fargo presented CLI with a $50,000 check, which will go toward Philadelphia’s Early Literacy Project during the 2015-2016 school …

Children’s Literacy Initiative & American Airlines Partner to Get More Children Reading

PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 16, 2016 —  Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Philadelphia, and American Airlines, the world’s largest airline, are partnering to help more of the nation’s children read proficiently by third grade. Employees and executives on American’s Citizenship Steering Committee at the airlines’ Philadelphia International Airport hub recently awarded CLI an in-kind donation of 1,000,000 …

Chicago Tribune Charities Donates to CLI

Children’s Literacy Initiative Receives $60,000 through Chicago Tribune Charities

Chicago, January 28, 2016 – The Chicago Tribune Charities, a McCormick Foundation fund has selected national nonprofit Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI) for a $60,000 one-year grant in support of the Chicago Early Literacy Project for elementary schools in the Little Village neighborhood. “The biggest lever for improving our student’s educational outcomes is reading and writing by 3rd grade. It’s absolutely …