Back-to-School Book List

Welcome Back-to-School from CLI!

As a new school year starts around the country, we are so lucky to have many, many great books to share with children. Whether you’re looking to calm your class’s first day jitters, help build a strong classroom culture, or celebrate the act of reading, all of the excellent picture books below are perfect for reading aloud.

Title Spotlight

Sweet People Are Everywhere
Alice Walker
They are all over the globe. Sweet people can be found from Canada to Congo to Cuba, from Afghanistan to Australia, from Ireland to Iraq…there are sweet people in the thirty-seven places listed in these pages and almost everywhere else on the planet. Take a trip through the lines of this large-hearted poem by Alice Walker and meet some of them!
Sweet People Are Everywhere, an illustrated picture book featuring a poem by internationally renowned writer and activist Alice Walker, is a powerful celebration of humanity. The poem addresses a young boy getting his first passport, taking the boy––and the reader––on a journey through a series of countries around the globe where “sweet people” can be found. Walker’s heartening message is celebrated through Quim Torres’ deeply felt illustrations.

Infant Toddler

Grandma and Me
Carole Boston Weatherford
A Seed Grows
Antoinette Portis

3-4 Year Olds & Pre-K

Kindergarten & 1st Grade

Lab Magic
Kelly Starling Lyons

2nd & 3rd Grade

4th & 5th Grade

Black Boy Joy
Kwame Mbalia, editor

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