Stories From Our Community
Inspiring a Love of Literacy
“We plan together, team teach, and I even model teach sometimes. My favorite parts are the times I get to do one-on-ones with my teachers because it is so great to hear your teacher having a breakthrough.”
- Builds language comprehension
- Gives access and exposure to worthwhile texts
- Enhances motivation, joy, and engagement
- Helps children to learn Critical Literacy, which gives children agency
- Disrupts the “pedagogy of poverty” by building on children’s cognitive capacity
Read Alouds offer a daily opportunity to engage with language comprehension skills. It is dedicated time for children to build vocabulary, content knowledge, language and text structure, verbal reasoning, and literacy knowledge. Using the Read Aloud to sustain and affirm children’s linguistic, racial, and cultural assets builds their a love of reading that will serve as the foundation for a lifelong passion for literature.
Make a gift. Empower a child.
Children deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams, and learning to read is a critical step in that journey. Help us provide Black and Latinx children the high-quality & culturally sustaining literacy instruction they deserve.
Inspired by what you've seen and want to support CLI? Contact a member of our Development Team to learn more about how your philanthropic investment can advance our literacy mission