Literacy to Liberation
The Value of High-Quality Books
Books, media, and materials in a classroom have an immediate and lasting impact on children.
Our commitment at CLI is to provide Black and Latinx children with access to high quality, anti-bias, identity-affirming books in a range of topics and genres and across multiple languages. Our books say:
- You matter.
- You have a voice.
- You are important.
- You belong here.
- You have something to contribute.
- You can bring about change.
- Your opinion matters.
- We need your knowledge, strengths, and skills to make this the best community it can be.
- You can experience joy here.
- You bring joy to this space.
Finding high-quality books means actively seeking out authentic accounts, that will engage the interest and experiences of the communities within which these books will be read
What does high quality mean to CLI and how can you identify a high-quality book?
- Does the book affirm the identities and experiences of my children?
- Is the book worth discussing?
- Is the book engaging to children visually, structurally, stylistically, and in content?
- Does this book offer numerous entry points for instruction in the classroom and beyond?
Windows offer children a glimpse into the lives and experiences of people different from themselves. Mirrors reflect children’s own lived experiences.
High-quality books are important because they offer children windows and mirrors. Windows offer children a glimpse into the lives and experiences of people different from themselves. Mirrors reflect children’s own lived experiences. Both help children make sense of the world around them. Likewise, books that offer windows and mirrors serve as an invitation for families to see themselves as part of literacy journey of their children.
Finally, we seek to center the joy of our children in these books. Books that are accurate, affirming, and inclusive help children feel a sense of belonging, build criticality and intellect, experience joy, increase engagement, and help to build an appreciation for reading. It all circles back to impact. Black and Latinx children matter.
The messages they see and hear matter. The books matter.
Make a gift. Empower a child.
Children deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams, and learning to read is a critical step in that journey. Help us provide Black and Latinx children the high-quality & culturally sustaining literacy instruction they deserve.
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