How to Ensure Powerful Reading Conversations with your Students

Reading with StudentsReading with individual students can seem like a luxury with all the demands placed upon your time so how can you ensure that your one-on-one time is used effectively? Here’s some useful tips for making sure that the reading conversations you have with your students – especially your struggling readers – are powerful ones.

10 Tips for Talking with Parents about Student Reading Difficulties

An educator’s delivery of information that a student might have a reading difficulty can be unsettling to that student’s parents or guardians. They often don’t know what to do for their child next, as they might have heard or read a variety of conflicting advice.

Warning Signs That Struggling Early Readers Have Learning Disabilities

Specific warning signs – varying by age and grade – can help teachers flag a student’s learning disabilities early, says Richard Selznick, a psychologist, nationally certified school psychologist and the director of Cooper Learning Center, a child-learning program affiliated with the Children’s Regional Hospital at Cooper University Health Care with pediatric offices throughout Southern New Jersey.

The Mid-Year Numbers Report

One on One CoachingWith the holidays behind us we are officially into the second half of the school year and, if you’re like me, this means taking stock of what’s been accomplished so far this year and where we still have to go. So where are we organizationally? Well, here are the numbers:

How Starting Small Can Lead to Something Big

Newark Student ReadingA few weeks ago, AIR Institute Fellow and chief scientist for literacy, Terry Salinger, wrote a guest blog for CLI explaining how the preliminary results for CLI’s i3 funded Model Classroom Project stand out in the field of early reading interventions.

Our Favorite Books to Give and Get This Holiday

The holidays are fast approaching, and parents and teachers alike are already preparing kids for winter break. It’s important to make sure young readers keep practicing their skills, even when they’re not in school. One of the best ways parents can get children excited about reading is with new books!

5 Strategies For Better Teacher Professional Development

Never Stop LearningIt’s difficult, if not impossible, for learning to take place when conflicting goals are set, unrealistic expectations prevail, and support is lacking. School districts often focus on alleviating these problems in the classroom — for students, that is.

Transforming Instruction: Success in the Field

CLI continuously works to ensure our professional developers (PDs) receive the necessary support to coach and conduct trainings in the field. To track program fidelity, PDs complete field reports three times a year – in November, February, and June. These reports are used to help improve our services while allowing PDs to reflect on the successes and challenges they encounter in the classroom.

Read Aloud Strategies: Making It Intentional

Intentional Read Aloud“I am sure you have never done this, but I used to grab my read aloud selections on my way past the bookshelf as I walked to the read aloud area. I was convinced that any read aloud was good and I still think it is. However, why would we settle for just good when we can have great?” – Linda Hoyt